Friday, May 18, 2012

This is the story of a girl

who cried a river and drowned the whole world. The night before I go to India and all I can think about is how much I'm going to miss everything. I just got kicked out of a (public) park (is that even allowed?) at midnight. Some friends and I were just walking and talking and on the way home, all I can think about is the little things. I'm going to miss driving, the speedometer telling me I'm speeding, the thrill of a smooth ride, the freedom of a car, the trees, the cool breezy air, lying in bed writing in peace, even water and American food. Obviously I'll miss my parents, brothers, family and friends a ton, but for some reason all I think about are the little things.

My name is Neil and this summer, I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to give kids in India the chance for a new life! Or at least that's what I hope - I'm really not quite sure what we're doing there. We (my two partners - Athidi and Radhika) are supposed to teach the kids English, which in a foreign country, is equivalent to a path to a much better future.

I'm excited for the opportunity to see a lifestyle that I was lucky enough to have avoided. I'm excited to see a culture that I should probably know more about (given it is mine). I'm excited to do things that I've never done before. I'm excited to develop a curriculum for six year old students. I'm excited to play with the kids after school. I'm excited for the challenge of teaching kids. What I know to be true though is that I will grow much more from them than they will from me so I think I'm most excited for what I learn from our kids.

I'm scared for all those things too though and even that excites me. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. Friends make fun of me for being somewhat clueless sometimes, but right now, I really feel lost (but nervous and excited at the same time). Until maybe ten hours ago, I didn't know if I had a plane ticket. Until maybe ten days ago, I didn't know if I had a place to live. Until I land in Chennai, I won't know if I've packed everything (and I'm currently having that feeling that I'm sure I'm missing something!).

This is long, but this will be my blog for the next few months -- I hope you enjoy it!!

p.s. I just realized I never explained the title. The song, Story of a Girl, by Nine Days was playing on my drive home. Great song, and maybe reflective?

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